- P(gun)]
иIBT ˿Zԇ@҂ЇW(xu)fDZ^^۵һԇĿҪIBTȡø߷ͻƿZP(gun)ஔ(dng)Ҫ
ҪͻIBTZ߀ҪڵďĻA(ch)Zǂ۷e^ôƽյľ(x)زIBTԇij}c߀ҪᘌУ@ƽտ@һЩע P(gun)@Y°빦Ч
߀Ҫ߂ӢZh(hun) nnùPӛƽrҪW(xu)Pӛ@ҲIBTԇһµcڌҲõõҪ呟^Y(ji)UԼ^c;܉Ӣ̎У@гF(xin)Ć}@ЩZ?jn)?sh)߶кܴĎ
IBTԇ}}́ҪǪͺ;C. ^};҂y(tng)Ŀԇ}һһʽʮĜ(zhn)rg,Ȼʮ犌شͨ^L(fng)X. C}ǾCx---READING, ---LISTENINGf---SPEAKING NںһMМyԇ,ЇfһNµ}
ԇ^ṩһƪ̵ܶ,ʮx.Ȼ һͬ}.Ȼʮ댦x ̓ɲփ(ni)MоC,^,w{,Y(ji),ʮ(ni)֮ͨ^L(fng)X. @}Ќ ҪҲǷdzߵdžμ҂y(tng)ĿZԇ_ʼ@}͵ĕrhȰѴ䌍
What place or landmark in your country do you recommend that other people visit?
ڿ@һ}Ŀĕr, XϤplacelandmark. ҵԺ,ٺYx}Ŀҵһ^f}ĿǴϤԒ}.Ҫش(ni)ݵ֧c Ȼչ_,քeҵՓ(j)ՓCҪf2-3Փ(j), @ӲŸf:
I recommend people go to Beijing, the capital city of China, for the following several reasons. First, Beijing is the best representative of a conventional Chinese city. It has numerous historic places like the great wall and the summer palace from which people can learn a lot about Chinese long history and rich culture. I recommend BJ also because it is china’s commercial center with high buildings stand against the sky. People can go shopping in the large shopping centers like international trade center. Anyway, if one can visit only one city in China, then the best choice is BJ since you can enjoy its beauty as well as prosperity.
Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important to you.
The object that is special for me is the book Harry potter one. I cherish it very much for the following several reasons. First, it is a present that my mother gave to me as my eleventh birthday gift. Second, after reading this book, I found books are actually amazing; the plots in it are quite impressive. And then, I developed an interest in reading books. I really appreciate that the book brings me to this fantastic world. Finally, by talking about the book, I meet so many friends that have the common interest of me. Therefore, this book is truly special for me, I’ll cherish it forever.
@ӁشHֻҪشă(ni),^õ֧Փc, ҾЗlԾͿˡ߀оҪעl(f),l(f)ÿԞĿZֲ.xٻش}Ž(jng)^һΕrgľ(x)Կ@ߵ