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  • ˼иZ(y)^(q)eЩ

    r(sh)g2020-12-15 20:25:11 иԇ ҪͶ







    ɷNԇĿZ(y)քeϣ҂ʲô? ȣ(li)˼иZ(y)ԇu(png)֘(bio)(zhn)ʲôͬ(j)ETSĹٷָ(Offical Guide)҂֪иZ(y)ԇZ(y)_(d)Z(y)ԑ(yng)úԒ}l(f)չ(g)(li)鿼˼Z(y)ԇ(c)ؿ쿼̶~RZ(y)Լl(f)Ă(g)(jin)֮иZ(y)ԇr(sh)鿼У@ճ(du)ԒԼný˼Z(y)ԇW(xu)ӢZ(y)Ԓ}漰ķ^VܶҽጞиZ(y)ԇĴ}(ni)ݱ^Ҫλr(sh)g(ni)߉݋ر_(d)ϢԽSԽ˼Z(y)ԇı_(d)^ҪԽӢZ(y)f(shu)ԒԽ

    ɷNڿԇʽʲô^(q)e?@҂(jin)εĽBһƒɷNZ(y)ԇĿԇ}͡иZ(y)ԇc˼Z(y)ԇܴ.иZ(y)ԇĕr(sh)g20Ҫ϶C(j)ͨ^(gu)ӛԼĴ𰸡ԇ}Ŀ6}12骚(d)ش}@ɵ}Ĝ(zhn)r(sh)g15شr(sh)g4534Ҫxһ75~100ֵȻ һcxڃ(ni)݌W(xu)g(sh)Ԓ}34}Ĝ(zhn)r(sh)g30شr(sh)g60롣56 һ1ҵČ(du)ԒģȻش(yng)(ni)ݼԼҊ(jin)ɵ}ĿĜ(zhn)r(sh)g20룬شr(sh)g60 ^(gu)Pӛ(li)}˼Z(y)ԇһr(sh)L(zhng)1215ҪͿM(jn)挦(du)ĽZ(y)ֳ(g)һՄ?w)һՄ(w)һЩճԒ}W(xu)(x)(i)ͨȵȡڶֿõһƬ(zhn)һ犣ȻͿƬеă(ni)ݰl(f)һɷƬwh(hun)ˇg(sh)ƼýԒ}ٌ(du)ڶֵă(ni)M(jn)ДU(ku)չᆖ(wn)һЩ^ͳĆ(wn)}




    ˼Z(y)ԇ˵һڶֵĕr(sh)gƿҪwF(xin)ڴ𰸽Y(ji)(gu)İ҂ܾwÿ(g)(x)(ji)öٕr(sh)gdz_^ͽY(ji)β30ÿһ(g)Сc(din)(yng)ԓ30-35ҡÿһ(g)Сc(din)vϢʹı_(d) (li)I(y)ص(gu)ҵĻ(x)T҂?c)ڿԇҪr(sh)ӛס䌍(sh)˼Z(y)иZ(y)ԇIJͬ˼Z(y)Ć΂(g)}Ŀ}r(sh)gиZ(y)ĕr(sh)gҪL(zhng)@Ҫ˼Z(y)Ĵ}м(x)(ji)ҪӼ(x)¡˼Z(y)ԇĴ𰸶^}иZ(y)ԇľC΄(w)󲿷ֶ}Ŀѽ(jng)oă(ni) иZ(y)ԇP(gun)Ҫ

    2. (x)(ji)ļ(x)³̶

    ҂(li)2009530˼Z(y)һֵһ(g)}Which room do you like most ? @(g)}Ŀ2008иZ(y)һ΄(w)ҲF(xin)^(gu)҂ȁ(li)һ(g)и3.5~4(exccellent)ֵĴ𰸣(458)The room I like most is defnitely my own bedroom, because I decorated it myself. My mom was so kind that she allowed me to chooes all the staff that I wanted to adnore my room, like the pink bed, the pink curtains as well as a gorgeous pink book shelf. What’s more, it is also a trustworthy friend of mine. It would remian bright even I burnt the midnight oil; it would play Marseillaise if I felt hopless and it always turns the cold shoulder to me when I make mistakes. I like my room most not only because of it is attractive by appreance, but also sincere inside

    ҂Ҋ(jin)иZ(y)Ĵ˼(x)(ji)ĽY(ji)(gu)_Z(y)Ϳ˼Z(y)ĵһ}Ǻ(jin)}˺(jin)λشc(din)磺 it of course is my bedroom, because I decorated it myself and it is a good friend to share happines and woes@}ĿF(xin)ڵڶ(g)У@Dzĕr(sh)gρ(li)v(x)(ji)(yng)ԓӼ(x)²ă(ni)f(shu)ă(ni)ρ(li)f(shu)(yng)ע_(d)Ķı_(d)ρ(li)v(yng)ԓעͿٵ

    ҂(li)һ(g)7.5ֵĿZ(y)_(d)(2)There are a lot of rooms I like to stay in when I am at home, but among all these, I think my bedroom is on the tip of my tongue when you ask me such question. Well, I am the Chief desginer of my room and I took care of almost all the decoration purchase. I have brought all the pink staff home: the pink Bohimian bed, the pink wood book shelf as well as the pink lace curtains with a lot triangle patterns on them. I am such a huge fan of pink. Another point I would like to mention here is the loyality my bedroom represents to me. I always stay late due to a lot of assignment, but my room never has any complian. What’s more, it is always the last one to hit the hay. My bedroom is also very inspiring that it keeps playing Marseillaise if I encounters setbacks. The last point of my friend is that it blames me when I make mistakes. Like once, I had an argument with my mom because she refused to buy a new shirt for me. When I locked myself inside my room, I found the wall turns its shoulder to me that it looks white. I felt loney and regreting that probably I should not be such gready guy. That’s probably why I feel like falling in love with my tiny but fantastic bedroom.


    Speaking topics

    1) Talk about a sports-person or sports team that you admire

    You should say what sport they play

    You should say where and when they play

    You should explain why you admire them

    2) Talk about a sport that you enjoy or have enjoyed playing

    You should say where you play this sport

    You should say when you play this sport

    You should explain why you like it

    3) Describe your ideal job

    Say what the job is

    Describe what duties it would involve

    Explain why you would like to do this job

    4) Describe the best party you have been to

    Say when and where this party took place

    Describe how you celebrated

    Explain why you enjoyed it

    5) Talk about the season of the year that you like best

    You should say what the season is like

    You should say at what time of the year this season occurs

    You should explain why you like it

    6) Talk about a type of music that you particularly enjoy

    You should say when you listen to this music

    You should explain why you like it

    You should say which person or groups of people play this music

    7) Describe an historic building you have seen or would like to visit










