- P(gun)]
иZԇǰTSETest of Spoken English, ҪΪһZԇȫ̙C΄(w)ش}ָ·DvµСP(gun)иZl~RwϣJx!
1˽BͺӑՓ1. BԼ
HP(gun)ϵP(gun)ϵ affinity [E5finiti]
e alias [5eiliEs]
ļͥ nuclear family
ͥ extended family
ȣ݅ ancestry [5AnsEstri]
ancestors [5AnsistEz],
forebears [5fC:bZEz],
forefathers [5fC:7fB:TEz]
֧ϵ branch [brB:ntF]
Chinese name
clan [klAn]
Hͥ single-parent family
y(tng)^ traditional ideas
generation gap
()H cousin [5kQzn]
Ѫ consanguinity [7kCnsAN5^winiti ]
blood relationship
݅ descent [di5sent], offspring [5RfspriN]
݅ descendants [di5sendEnts]
Ӣ English
ͥ family life
V family tree
family name, surname [5sE:neim]
generation [7dVenE5reiFEn]
ѪH kinsmen by blood
H kinsmen by affinity
壬ϵ lineage [5liniidV]
Ҽ my family
Ҽ my people
H next of kin
ǷQb̖ nickname [5nikneim]
F of noble birth
ƽ of humble birth
origin [5CridVin]
P pen name
N race [reis], breed [bri:d]
H relations [ri5leiFEnz],
relatives [5relEtivz],
kinfolk [5kinfEuk], kin [kin]
second name, give name
ˇ stage name
˵ƽ caring [5kZEriN]
кĵ curious [5kjuEriEs]
̹ʵ frank [frANk]
wN gentle and understanding
ÌW hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN]
Ե rational [5rAFEnEl]
ŵ faithful [5feiWful]
t̓ modest [5mCdist]
ЪԵ independent [7indi5pendEnt]
ڄڵ industrious [in5dQstriEs]
Ƶ kind [kaind], nice [nais]
kind [kaind], nice [nais]
personality [7pE:sE5nAliti]
smart [smB:t]
ֱ upright [5Qprait]
Ը character [5kAriktE]
individuality [7individVu5Aliti],
personality [7pE:sE5nAliti]
˸ selfhood [5selfhud]
(1)Wλ degree
ʿ post doctor
ʿWλ doctors degree, doctorate [5dCktErit]
ČWWʿ bachelor of arts
WWʿ bachelor of science
junior college student
꼉W sophomore [5sCfEmC:]
̹Tʿ master of business administration(MBA)
꼉W junior [5dVu:njE]
TʿWλ masters degree
꼉W senior [5si:njE]
WʿWλ bachelors
һ꼉W freshman [5freFmEn]
܌Wʿ Doctor of Philosophy
(2)WУ school
g(sh)WԺ academy of fine arts
չI(y)WԺ aeronautical institute
ٌWУ affiliated school
r(nng)WԺ agricultural college
r(nng)I(y)W agricultural university
I(y)ˇg(sh)/wWУ amateur arts/athletic school
ЌW attached middle school
У branch school
Mް class for advanced studies
ĿƌWԺ college of arts
ƴW college/university of science and dengineering
CԴW comprehensive university
WԺ conservatory of music
ڴW correspondence school
I(y)WԺ cenineering institute
ȫƼތWУ full-time boarding school
Mް in-serve training course
t(y)WԺ institute of traditional Chinese medicine
ȫcЌW key middle school with all regular academic disciplines
cWУ key school
t(y)WԺ medical college/school
t(y)ƴW medical university
ҹУ night school for adults
W normal university; teachers university
ˎƴW pharmacehnical university
I(y)W polytechnical university
Ќ secondary specialized school; polytechnic school
еȼg(sh)WУ secondary technical school; technical secondary school
ް seminar [5seminB:]
Ӗ short-term training course
I(y)W spare-time college for staff and workers
WԺ teachers college
̎MތWУ teachers college for vocational studies
VҕW television and radio broadcasting university
ĿƴW university of liberal arts
I(y)WУ vocational school
(3)I(y) major, specialty
Ӌ accounting [E5kauntiN]
Ӌ auditing [5C:ditiN]
W anthropology [7AnWrE5pClEdVi]
܌W philosophy [fi5lCsEfi]
ƌW life sciences
ΌWcW political and administrative sciences
oӌW radio electronics
W sociology [7sEusi5ClEdVi]
ZԌW linguistics [liN5^wistiks]
W journalism [5dVE:nElizEm]
g(sh)O(sh)Ӌ fine arts design
ƌW biological sciences
W psychology [sai5kClEdVi]
y(tng)ӋW statistics [stE5tistiks]
늚̼Ԅӻ electrical engineering and automation
Ԅӻ automation [C:tE5meiFEn]
ͨŹ telecommunications engineering
ӋCƌWcg(sh) computer science and technology
Ϣ electronics and information engineering
I(y)O(sh)Ӌ industrial design
W architecture [5B:kitektFE]
Ҏ(gu) urban planning
ľ civil engineering
h(hun) environment engineering
b packaging engineering
W forestry [5fCristri]
At(y)W preventive medicine
Rt(y)W clinical medicine
t(y)W traditional Chinese medicine
ϢcϢϵy(tng) information management and system
̹ business management
ؔ(w) financial management
YԴ human resources management
ι tourism administration
editor [5editE]
playwright [5pleirait], screenwriter [5skri:n7raitE]
ÿp tailor [5teilE]
{T cashier [kA5FiE]
܇˾C taxi driver
N cook [kuk]
NL(N) chef [Fef]
L captain [5kAptin]
ֆT typist [5taipist]
director [di5rektE]
tourist guide
늹 electrician [i7lek5triFEn]
{(dio)Ǝ bartender [5bB:tendE]
ڹ temporary job
judge [dVQdV]
g translator [trAns5leitE]
singer [5siNE]
w individual enterprise
̎ engineer [7endVi5niE]
(w)T civil servant
T seaman [5si:mEn]
oʿ nurse [nE:s]
Ԓ(w)T(Ӿ) operator [5CpEreitE]
Ӌ accountant [E5kauntEnt]
Cе(C) mechanic
ӋCϵy(tng)T computer systems analyst
ӛ journalist [5dVE:nElist]
part-time job
architect [5B:kitekt ]
policeman [pE5li:smEn]
l(f) hair-dresser
Rr odd job
Ɏ lawyer [5lC:jE ], barrister [5bAristE]
ؕ secretary [5sekritEri]
ģ model [5mCdl]
(ni)t(y) physician [fi5ziFEn]
؛T salesman [5seilzmEn]
Ů؛T salesgirl [5seilz^E:l], saleswoman
YԴ(jng) human resources manager
O(sh)Ӌ designer [di5zainE]
zӰ cameraman [5kAmErEmEn]
ʧI(y) lay-off
rbO(sh)Ӌ fashion designer
ľ̎ civil engineer
t(y) surgeon [5sE:dVEn]
Сf novelist [5nCvElist]
repairman [ri5pZEmEn]
t(y) dentist [5dentist]
ˎ pharmacist [5fB:mEsist]
yT bank clerk
I(y) job[dVCb], vocation [ vEu5keiFEn], profession[prE5feFEn]
TĆT office clerk
̎ assistant engineer
ɹ freelancer [5fri:lB:nsE]
writer [5raitE]
composer [kCm5pEuzE]
赸݆T dancer [5dB:nsE]
\ӆT athlete [5AWli:t]
r marriage status
bachelordom [7bAtFElE5dEm]
single [5siN^El]
bachelor [5bAtFElE]
ŮʿδDŮ̎Ů(Hx) spinster [5spinstE]
ѻ married [5mArid]
x divorced [di5vC:st]
x remain unmarried
ع widowhood [5widEuhud]
ыD widow [5widEu]
widower [5widEuE]
harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs]
δ fiance [fi5B:nsei]
δ fiance [fi5B:nsei]
Y wedding [5wediN]
Yӆ engagement [in5geidVmEnt]
ӆ˵ engaged [in5^eidVd]
marriage breakdown
r marital status
honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]
ͬ cohabitation [kEu7hAbi5teiFEn]
ٻ remarry [7ri:5mAri ]
и l~R07-15
2017и l~R06-25
vи l~R10-06
и ԇl~R08-19
2017и l~R08-21