҂ͬW(xu)ڏ(f)(x)TOEFL JuniorxIJ֕r䌍ˑ(yng)ԓrgо7}͵ij}Ҏ(gu)c}ͬrҲ(yng)ԓȥ呟Լڵһxrҵڳ}cҪϢ҂́܉ڲ}Ŀǰ¾A(y)Дסԇij}c
One possibility would be to use plants with strong smells, like garlic or pine, to keep the insects away. Unfortunately, however, using these smells might keep some people away too.
҂فһ}What does the author imply about the garlic and pine ?
@}@Ȼ𰸾D(zhun)֮ľ֮пҵThey can be unpleasant to people.@ԒҲD(zhun)ۓ(j)ͬD(zhun)҂yԭЎD(zhun)P(gun)ϵľӌ҂}Ď
Both bats and birds have mastered the skill of landing, but these two types of flyers go about it quite differently.
ͨ^ϵķ҂ԏпD(zhun)P(gun)ϵ@ƺε߉P(gun)ϵ҂TOEFL JuniorxݵҪҲϣ҂ͬW(xu)պď(f)(x)^܉řD(zhun)P(gun)ϵľӎоУעܵij}cҪ^cĶӵȥ(yng)֮}ĿA(y)ףTOEFL Juniorȡüѿ